PraFeBrum Fernanda Brum
Partiu! Big field! Uhuhu uhuui!
PraFeBrum Fernanda Brum
Ebaaa!!! To egarrafada mas to chegando! Eita Serra!
laurenabarlow Lauren Barlow
Thankyou!!!! RT @skilletfan12309: @alyssabarlow @laurenabarlow Just donated a dollar. Next week I get paid and Im going to donate more.
laurenabarlow Lauren Barlow
EVERYBODY!!!! We have such an exciting announcement! Click here and you'll see what I'm talking about :)
JoyceMeyer Joyce Meyer
If you want to be successful at being yourself, you’re going to have to take a chance on not being like everyone else.
alyssabarlow alyssa barlow
Ahhh so many of you have already given! This is me sending you all a big kiss It's like Christmas!
alyssabarlow alyssa barlow
We worked on this for 7 weeks and it's finally up!! Come check it out:)…
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